Last Monday, Petrobras released a newtender for various AHTS vessels with and without ROV services. The vessels are categorized in as of low capacity (180T BP), medium capacity (230T BP) and high capacity (270T BP), with medium and high capacity vessels also required to have deploying devices for 120T torpedo anchors, and Petrobras will once again entertain offers from Brazilian and Foreign flagged vessels. In total, there are 28 different batches, comprising 6 groups where Owners can choose to place vessel offers with delivery windows ranging from February 2024 to April 2025 and contract durations of 3 and 4 years firm. Petrobras will prioritize the chartering of AHTSs equipped with ROVs and earlier delivery windows. The initial deadline for submission of proposals is set to July 24th although due to the size of this tender, it is very likely that it will get postponed.