Last Thursday, Petrobras’ PLSV tender for Brazilian or REB flag closed out with a great number of vessels participating in the opportunity, mostly due to the five groups (A through E) with different mobilization dates, ranging from March 2024 all the way to March 2026 and three distinct technical specifications, segregated by Petrobras as PLSV types A, B and C.
Offers for PLSVs type A comprised the most amount of batches and, logically, the highest number of candidates too. The prices ranged from USD 242K to USD 467K per day with a total of 14 vessels offered for batches A2, B1, B2, B4, C1, D1, D2, D3, D4, D6, D7 and E1. The PLSV type B had just one batch dedicated to it and only Normand Cutter was presented as candidate, with a rate of roughly USD 304K per day. The third and last specification, PLSV type C, received no offers in all of its 4 dedicated batches.
Practically all the vessels offered in this opportunity are already working in Brazil and waving Brazilian flag, with the exception of Subseas7’s Seven Cruzeiro, Solstad’s Normand Cutter, DOF’s Skandi Açu and Skandi Búzios and Oceanica’s TBN vessel, which are all sailing under foreign flag and will have to seek ways
to join the REB, if awarded.
In this opportunity, Petrobras considered firm contracts of 3 years for all vessels offered in Groups A, B and D and 4 years for groups C and E. Although they did not disclose the number of vessels to be hired in this opportunity, since most of the candidates already work for Petrobras the expectation is that all these positions will be replenished with the offers received.