Special: WSB Advisors’ on FPSO Marechal Duque de Caxias Project Special

FPSO Marechal Duque de Caxias
FPSO Marechal Duque de Caxias (Source: MISC)

The arrival of the FPSO Marechal Duque de Caxias marks a significant milestone for Brazil’s offshore oil production capabilities. This state-of-the-art floating production, storage, and offloading (FPSO) unit, chartered by Petrobras from MISC, has a production capacity of up to 180,000 barrels of oil and the ability to compress 12 million cubic meters of gas daily​​. As it prepares to commence operations in the Mero field in the pre-salt Santos Basin, WSB Advisors has been instrumental in supporting MISC throughout various phases of this ambitious project.

Chartering Support Vessels
One of the critical areas where WSB Advisors has provided essential support is in determine the right type of vessel, selecting capable bidders and chartering the necessary units. The vessels CBO Copacabana, AH Valletta, and CBO Parintins have been engaged to perform tasks such as cargo runs from the supply base to the FPSO, the installation of the submerged water intake riser (SWIR), and the commissioning of offloading hoses. This logistical coordination is vital for ensuring the smooth and timely execution of the project’s offshore operations.

Beyond Brokerage
True to its motto “Brokerage And Beyond,” WSB Advisors has extended its services beyond traditional brokerage. Collaborating closely with MISC and the engineering company BELOV, WSB Advisors played a coordination role in determining the best engineering solutions for connecting the SWIR sections on board the offshore support vessels. This involved detailed technical discussions and the pre-selection of vessels based on stringent technical criteria.

WSB Advisors further facilitated the coordination between MISC, BELOV, and CBO, ensuring that all parties were aligned on the procedures and safety measures required for the project’s execution. This collaborative approach helped in identifying potential hazards and implementing the necessary precautions to guarantee a safe and efficient operation.

Inspection and Acceptance
Upon reaching the operational readiness phase, WSB Advisors hosted MISC’s international team of engineers and leaders in Brazil for the inspection and acceptance of the selected vessels. Raphael Montes, WSB Advisors’ Proposals Manager with extensive operational experience, acted as the facilitator for these critical discussions. His expertise ensured that the vessels met all operational requirements and were ready for on-hire acceptance​.

The comprehensive support provided by WSB Advisors is our commitment to ensuring the success of the FPSO Marechal Duque de Caxias project. From chartering support vessels to coordinating complex engineering tasks and facilitating vessel inspections, WSB Advisors has demonstrated its capability to deliver beyond brokerage. This project not only enhances Brazil’s oil production capacity but also highlights the critical role played by WSB Advisors in supporting complex offshore projects.

Stay tuned as we will present others tasks we have performed for this project from our engineering department.

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