Working experience at WSB Advisors

Rafael Drumond, Offshore Commercial Analyst at Grupo Bravante, joined WSB’s office for two weeks in January, immersing himself in every aspect of our operations. From handling daily tasks to engaging in high-level strategic meetings, Rafael gained hands-on experience in shipbroking and decision-making processes.

He observed WSB’s shipbrokers at work and interacted with various teams across WSB and other companies within the Westhon Group.

“It was an incredible experience with many lessons that I will apply both as a professional and in my naval engineering classes. And the best part is that I celebrated my two-year anniversary with Bravante on the exact day I was at WSB. It was funny,” he says.

This was another chapter in the partnership between Bravante and WSB.

To read more about Rafael’s journey, stay tuned in the next edition of One. Energy magazine.

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