Last Friday (10), Petrobras received offers for its PSV tender that may charter up to 20 vessels. The tender was divided into two lots: lot A with mobilization for February 2024 or 60 days upon contract execution and lot B with mobilization for May 2024 or 150 days upon contract signature. For both lots owners were allowed to offer Brazilian, REB or foreign tonnage although the latter will only be considered in case Petrobras’ needs are not met through national flag hiring. Lot A saw no foreign tonnage offered and had a single offer for Bravante I as PSV OSRV category from Brasbunker slightly below Petrobras’ reference budget, at USD 42.629,65.
Lot B had Pelicano from Wilson, Sons S.A. as a PSV OSRV at USD 32.501,75, Posidonia Leopard from Posidonia Shipping as PSV multipurpose at USD 40.450,00, Bram Buck from Bram Offshore as PSV 4500 and PSV 4000 general cargo at USD 38.522,00. All vessels mentioned were ranked first in its respective categories. If no foreign tonnage was offered in lot A, Bram Offshore made sure to not allow that to happen in Lot B having offered 7 foreign vessels across the same categories mentioned before and with rates ranging from USD 38.522,00 to USD 42.522,00. The tender received no offers for the hybrid, fluid carrier and 3000 DWT general cargo categories.